UFO News StoriesExcerpts of Key UFO News Stories in Major Media
Below are key excerpts of revealing news articles on UFO/UAP phenomena from reliable news media sources. If any link fails to function, a paywall blocks full access, or the article is no longer available, try these digital tools.
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Note: This comprehensive list of news stories is usually updated once a week. Explore our full index to revealing excerpts of key major media news stories on several dozen engaging topics. And don't miss amazing excerpts from 20 of the most revealing news articles ever published.
Capitol Hill lawmakers said Wednesday that UFOs could pose a pressing threat to America's national security, as the pols emerged from a highly classified briefing with Navy and FBI officials on the unexplained phenomena. Ahead of the release of a highly anticipated Pentagon report on unidentified flying objects before month's end, members of the House Intelligence Committee received a hush-hush sneak preview inside a SCIF, or "sensitive compartmented information facility." As for the existence of extraterrestrial life, the lawmakers largely left the secrets inside the surveillance-proof room, declining to tell reporters what they learned. But some did voice concerns that the UFOs – which may be espionage assets controlled by America's foreign adversaries, in a possible explanation just slightly less terrifying than the vanguard of an alien invasion – could pose a danger to national security. "We take the issue of unexplained aerial phenomena seriously to the extent that we're dealing with the safety and security of US military personnel or the national security interests of the United States, so we want to know what we're dealing with," said Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY). Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Ill.) said that, if anything, the landmark report shows that UFOs are finally being taken seriously. "The stigma is gone," he said. "Now that's as big a change in policy as I've witnessed about this issue in my lifetime. So the fact that they are taking this sort of thing seriously for the first time, I think, is important."
Note: For undeniable evidence of a major cover-up around UFOs for many decades, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on UFOs from reliable major media sources. Then explore the excellent, reliable resources provided in our UFO Information Center.
Could our universe have been created in a petri dish? Avi Loeb seems to think so. The Harvard astronomer posits that a higher "class" of civilization may have conjured up our universe in a laboratory far, far away. "Since our universe has a flat geometry with a zero net energy, an advanced civilization could have developed a technology that created a baby universe out of nothing through quantum tunneling," Loeb writes in an op-ed published by Scientific American last year. This theory, he suggests, would unite two seemingly opposite notions: the idea that a higher power might be driving our fate, and the secular concept of quantum gravity (a field of physics that seeks to work gravity into the theory of quantum mechanics–something that, to the bane of physicists everywhere, we haven't been able to do yet on Earth). Primarily, this theory hinges on a far-off advanced civilization's ability to meld both quantum mechanics and gravity and subsequently identify and recreate all of the universe's ingredients. Loeb ... has devised a framework that breaks advanced civilizations down into classes based on their ability to "reproduce the astrophysical conditions that led to its existence." Earthlings would fall into class C because ... we would not be able to recreate our current conditions should the sun suddenly die. A class A civilization, like our proposed creators, would be able to, say, generate large amounts of dark energy and, as Loeb suggests, create "baby universes" ... that could potentially spawn life.
Note: Explore a highly intriguing essay by WTK founder Fred Burks on alien involvement in our world. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on the mysterious nature of reality from reliable major media sources.
Encounters with UFOs have reportedly left Americans suffering from radiation burns, brain and nervous system damage, and even "unaccounted for pregnancy," according to a massive database of U.S. government reports recently made public through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. The database of documents includes more than 1,500 pages of UFO-related material from the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) – a secretive U.S Department of Defense program that ran from 2007 to 2012. Despite never being classified as secret or top secret, the AATIP only became known to the public in 2017, when former program director Luis Elizondo resigned from the Pentagon and released several now-infamous videos of an unidentified aircraft. The U.S. outpost of the British Tabloid The Sun filed a FOIA request for any and all documents related to the program. The U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) honored the request by releasing more 1,574 pages of material. One standout document from the collection is a report titled Anomalous Acute and Subacute Field Effects on Human and Biological Tissues, dated March 2010. The report describes alleged injuries to "human observers by anomalous advanced aerospace systems," some of which may be a "threat to United States interests." The report describes 42 cases from medical files and 300 "unpublished" cases where humans sustained injuries after alleged encounters with "anomalous vehicles," which include UFOs.
Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on UFOs from reliable major media sources. Then explore the excellent, reliable resources provided in our UFO Information Center.
For some time, expressing interest in unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, has been deemed mostly unacceptable in wider society. But attitudes appear to be changing in America this week, with luminaries from Barack Obama to the former NBA star Shaquille O'Neal sharing their thoughts. Obama was asked about the issue of UFOs during an interview. Much of the newfound, and newly sincere, interest in UFOs, this week appears to stem from a report on CBS's 60 Minutes on Sunday, which tackled "the US government's grudging acknowledgment" of UFOs. With the defense department and intelligence agencies due to deliver a much-anticipated official report on mysterious aerial sightings next month, 60 Minutes interviewed a number of credible witnesses, including a former navy pilot who said he had seen unidentified aerial phenomena – the government's preferred term – "every day for at least a couple years". That prompted Obama's discussion of aerial phenomena. "What is true, and I'm actually being serious here, is that there's footage and records of objects in the skies, that we don't know exactly what they are, we can't explain how they moved, their trajectory," Obama told CBS. "They did not have an easily explainable pattern. And so, you know I think that people still take seriously trying to investigate and figure out what that is. But I have nothing to report to you today." On Monday, O'Neal shared his experience of seeing a "flying saucer" with ABC.
Note: Read the public testimony of very high level officials revealing a major cover-up around UFOs for over 75 years. Most serious UFO researchers believe that this is a planned rollout to avoid showing how the US military has been hiding and even deceitfully ridiculing this information for decades. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on UFOs from reliable major media sources.
Former US Navy pilot Ryan Graves told CBS's 60 Minutes that pilots training off the US coast sighted UFOs nearly every day. The show on Sunday explored a series of alleged recent encounters between US military pilots and UFOs, some of which were caught on film and have been released by the Pentagon. One encounter took place in 2014, when Graves and his F/A-18F squadron sighted UFOs in restrictive airspace near Virginia Beach, in southeastern Virginia. In 2019, US military pilots recorded UFOs in the same area in images obtained by the program. The Pentagon told CBS News that it had not been able to identify the objects. Graves said that such sightings were a nearly daily occurrence. "Every day. Every day for at least a couple years," he said of the sightings. He discussed an encounter off the coast of Jacksonville, Florida, in 2015, captured by one of his pilots on camera. "This is a difficult one to explain. You have rotation, you have high altitudes. You have propulsion, right? I don't know. I don't know what it is, frankly," remarked Graves. Lue Elizondo, the former head of a Pentagon project to investigate UFO sightings, said that some objects seemed to defy what was believed to be technologically possible. In April the US military certified the authenticity of several videos showing encounters between pilots and UFOs that had been published in the media. It followed the declassification last year of several videos showing encounters with UFOs.
Note: Don't miss the 15-minute "60 Minutes" segment on this fascinating topic at the link above. Read the public testimony of very high level officials revealing a major cover-up around UFOs for over 75 years. Most serious UFO researchers believe that this is a planned rollout to avoid showing how the US military has been hiding and even deceitfully ridiculing this information for decades. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on UFOs from reliable major media sources.
Earlier this summer, the director of national intelligence and secretary of defense released a highly-anticipated, unclassified report about something the Pentagon calls unidentified aerial phenomena–or UAP–more commonly known as UFOs. The government's grudging acknowledgment of 144 mysterious sightings documented by our military comes after decades of public denial. Luis Elizondo spent 20 years running military intelligence operations worldwide. He hadn't given UFOs a second thought until 2008. That's when he was asked to join something at the Pentagon called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, or "AATIP." Buried away in the Pentagon, AATIP was part of a $22 million program sponsored by then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to investigate UFOs. When Elizondo took over in 2010 he focused on the national security implications of unidentified aerial phenomena documented by U.S. service members. "Imagine a technology that can do 6-to-700 g-forces, that can fly at 13,000 miles an hour, that can evade radar and that can fly through air and water and possibly space," [said Elizondo]. "And oh, by the way, has no obvious signs of propulsion, no wings, no control surfaces and yet still can defy the natural effects of Earth's gravity. That's precisely what we're seeing." AATIP's funding was eliminated in 2012, but ... last year, the Pentagon resurrected AATIP, it's now called the UAP task force; service members now are encouraged to report strange encounters.
Note: Read the public testimony of very high level officials revealing a major cover-up around UFOs for over 75 years. Most serious UFO researchers believe that this is a planned rollout to avoid showing how the US military has been hiding and even deceitfully ridiculing this information for decades. For more supporting this idea, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on UFOs from reliable major media sources.
Last year was a breakthrough time for UFOs, as a landmark government report prompted the possibility of extraterrestrial visitors to finally be taken seriously by everyone from senators, to a former president, to the Pentagon. But 2022 could be even more profound, experts say. In June, the Pentagon released a highly anticipated report on unexplained aerial phenomena (UAP), the now preferred nomenclature by some in the extraterrestrial community, which found more than 140 instances of UAPs that could not be explained. The report came after leaked military footage documented seemingly otherworldly happenings in the sky, and after testimony from navy pilots helped to somewhat destigmatize a subject that has long been defined by conspiracy theories and dubious sightings. "I'm confident that 2022 is going to be a seismic year for UFOs," said Nick Pope, who spent the early 1990s investigating UFOs for the British ministry of defence. In Congress ... a bipartisan group of senators has been pushing for years for the government to release more information on UFOs, and from the US defense department and intelligence community. For years, pilots had refused to share tales of their UFO experiences, worried of being labeled kooks. The account of the navy pilots was given credibility, however, by leaked military footage which showed an oval flying object near a US navy ship off San Diego, and separate videos which showed triangular-shaped objects buzzing around in the sky.
Note: Watch the CBS 60 Minutes segment on this webpage. Read the public testimony of very high level officials revealing a major cover-up around UFOs for over 75 years. Most serious UFO researchers believe that this is a planned rollout to avoid showing how the US military has been hiding and even deceitfully ridiculing this information for decades. For more supporting this idea, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on UFOs from reliable major media sources.
South-west England is the world capital of crop circles. They are particularly concentrated in the county of Wiltshire, where a treasure trove of ancient history includes the Neolithic sites of Stonehenge and Avebury – both crop circle hotspots. Reports of mysterious patterns appearing in wheat, barley and corn fields in the area began to circulate in the 1970s, but it was in the late '80s that the phenomenon exploded. Circles began to appear more frequently and became far more ornate: some resembled trippy fractals; others rune-like hieroglyphs; others stylised animals recalling those of the Nazca Lines in Peru. The intricacy and size of the formations, coupled with the fact that they would appear overnight, seemingly out of nowhere, baffled locals and farmers alike. In 1996, a crop circle appeared opposite Stonehenge depicting a mathematical fractal called a Julia set; a similar formation that emerged on Milk Hill in 2001 was one of the largest ever, stretching 900ft. A 2008 formation near the Iron Age hill fort of Barbury Castle required decoding by an astrophysicist, who concluded that it was a geometric representation of the first 10 digits of pi. The phenomenon peaked in the 1990s and early 2000s, but continues today; an average of 30 crop circles appear each year in the UK, around 80% of them in Wiltshire. Formations reported in 2021 have included a hexagonal pattern overlaid with spirals in Avebury, and a pattern of concentric "bubbles" in Tidworth Down.
Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on the mysterious nature of reality from reliable major media sources.
If it wasn't for the French dossier, UFOs might not have dominated Leslie Kean's life for the past two decades. In 1999, the independent journalist was handed ... a 90-page report of UFO sightings by military and commercial pilots. Today, the hypothetical situation Kean extrapolated from the French report – of US military and government leaders speaking openly about sightings of inexplicable flying objects – has arrived. By 25 June, the Department of Defense's director of national intelligence is expected to release an unclassified report to Congress, detailing the accounts of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) sightings by military pilots, making it the government's most transparent and substantive release of such information ever. Kean's biggest breakthrough came in 2017, when she was invited ... to meet with Luis "Lue" Elizondo on the day he resigned as the director of a clandestine Pentagon program that collected information about UFOs, the shadowy Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). Kean teamed up with Ralph Blumenthal and Helene Cooper to write up her scoop for the New York Times, Glowing Auras and â€Black Money': The Pentagon's Mysterious UFO Program. The story revealed the existence of AATIP from 2007 to 2012. Kean said she remained agnostic on what the findings are. "If there's any agenda that I have, it's to get the truth out," she said. "There is a phenomenon that cannot be explained. And there is plenty of data to show that."
Note: To learn why this may be part of a controlled rollout of UFO information, see our two-page summary of testimony by top government officials of their personal involvement in a UFO cover-up over many decades. See also concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on UFOs from reliable major media sources. Then explore the excellent, reliable resources provided in our UFO Information Center.
A newly leaked Navy video appears to show an unidentified flying object disappearing into the water off California. The video was captured in July 2019 by Navy aircraft and recorded in the USS Omaha's Combat Information Center, according to the filmmaker, Jeremy Corbell. The clip appears to show a spherical object flying above the water for a few minutes near San Diego before it vanishes. "It splashed," military personnel can be heard saying in the video. The Defense Department confirmed that the clip was recorded by Navy personnel and said it will be reviewed by the Pentagon's Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force, a panel established last year. The video was published a few days before "60 Minutes" aired an interview with two former Navy pilots who recalled having been dispatched to investigate "multiple anomalous aerial vehicles" that descended 80,000 feet in less than a second. Christopher Mellon, a top defense official in the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations, said in an interview that there was "a lot of continuity" between recent reports of unidentified objects and reports dating back decades. "What we're seeing are a number of distinct and different things," he said. "Sometimes we're seeing a 50-foot object that can travel at hypersonic speeds and seemingly go into orbit or come down from altitudes of potentially above 100,000 feet." Mellon said the stigma associated with reporting such phenomena has long kept witnesses quiet.
Note: To learn how this is likely a controlled rollout of UFO information, see our two-page summary of testimony by top government officials of their personal involvement in a UFO cover-up over many decades. See also concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on UFOs from reliable major media sources. Then explore the excellent, reliable resources provided in our UFO Information Center.
It's the story of the U.S. government's grudging acknowledgment of unidentified aerial phenomena – UAP – more commonly known as UFOs. After decades of public denial the Pentagon now admits there's something out there, and the U.S. Senate wants to know what it is. The intelligence committee has ordered the director of national intelligence and the secretary of defense to deliver a report on the mysterious sightings by next month. Luis Elizondo ... hadn't given UFOs a second thought until 2008. That's when he was asked to join something at the Pentagon called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, or "AATIP." AATIP was part of a $22 million program sponsored by then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to investigate UFOs. When Elizondo took over in 2010 he focused on the national security implications of unidentified aerial phenomena documented by U.S. service members. AATIP's funding was eliminated in 2012, but Elizondo says he and a handful of others kept the mission alive until finally, frustrated, he quit the Pentagon in 2017, but not before getting ... three videos declassified. This past August the Pentagon resurrected AATIP, it's now called the UAP task force. After receiving classified briefings on UAPs, Senator Marco Rubio called for a detailed analysis. This past December, while he was still head of the intelligence committee, he asked the director of national intelligence and the Pentagon to present Congress an unclassified report by next month.
Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on UFOs from reliable major media sources. Then explore the excellent, reliable resources provided in our UFO Information Center.
There literally are objects flying around that no one, including U.S. Navy pilots, can identify, and we have to puzzle out what that means. The U.S. government continues to tiptoe toward the normalization of the idea of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Last year the Department of Defense released three videos (one recorded in 2004 and the other two in 2015) of U.S. Navy pilots seeing something and having no idea what it was. In its news release, the Pentagon said, "the aerial phenomena observed in the videos remain characterized as â€unidentified,'" putting the U in UFO. The Pentagon went further in August 2020, announcing the establishment of an Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Task Force. The Pentagon explained, "The mission of the task force is to detect, analyze and catalog UAPs that could potentially pose a threat to U.S. national security." 10 days ago, former director of national intelligence John Ratcliffe went on Fox News and made a whole bunch of claims about what the U.S. intelligence community knew about UAPs, including that a Pentagon report would soon be released revealing even more information. If UAPs are extraterrestrials ... it is not humans contacting extraterrestrials but rather those extraterrestrials actively observing us. Furthermore, they seem to be doing so in a way that is not destructive. That is promising! Observation without the intent to destroy suggests a civilization that is much less violent than, say, Spanish conquistadors.
Note: The gradual roll out by government and media continues with this article. Where are those who are willing to talk about the major UFO activities which have been well known and established for decades in the UFO community? This two-page summary gives quotes and links for verification from well known astronauts, top military officials and others who have had personal experience with UFOs and ETs. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on UFOs from reliable major media sources.
Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said that an upcoming government report will show more unidentified flying object (UFO) sightings that are "difficult to explain." In an interview with Fox News on Friday, Ratcliffe spoke about hoping to release information about the UFOs for the American people. In December 2020, then-President Donald Trump signed a stimulus bill asking for federal agencies to publish a report on UFOs within 180 days. Ratcliffe said he'd wanted to declassify the information prior to his and Trump's departure from the White House in January, "but we weren't able to get it down into an unclassified format that we could talk about quickly enough." Ratcliffe appeared to reference some UFO footage that had been released by the Pentagon in April 2020. "Frankly, there are a lot more sightings than have been made public. Some of those have been declassified. When we talk about sightings, we're talking about objects that have been seen by Navy or Air Force pilots or have been picked up by satellite imagery that frankly engage in actions that are difficult to explain." The former intelligence director also explained what activities the objects engaged in to receive their UFO titles, including "movements that are hard to replicate" or "traveling at speeds that exceed the sound barrier without a sonic boom. "The anticipated report ... is part of the the Intelligence Authorization Act for 2021.
Note: The media and government seem to be gradually putting out long-hidden information on UFOs which has been publicly available for decades. To see reliable, verifiable evidence of an ET presence, see the witness testimony of very high-level officials on this webpage. Watch an interesting documentary titled "The Strangest Encounters in Space." For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on UFOs from reliable major media sources.
A group of people who believe in UFOs held a press conference this morning that established beyond the shadow of a doubt - that reached levels of credibility so high as to constitute actual proof - that there really do exist people who believe in UFOs. This was the big day for the Disclosure Project, an attempt to incite the government to admit that UFOs are piloted by creatures from another world. The organizer, a Virginia emergency room physician and UFOlogist named Steven Greer, announced that this was a moment of historic, indeed planetary, significance: "This is the end of the childhood of the human race. It is time for us to become mature adults among the cosmic civilizations that are out there." He had arranged an impressive venue, the main ballroom of the National Press Club. Upwards of a hundred people filled the room, and a phalanx of more than a dozen TV cameras documented the proceedings. At the front of the room, in a line, sat the 20 witnesses, most of them gray-haired men who had retired years ago from the military. At one point a witness flashed two black-and-white photos of a saucer-shaped craft. The tales were set, for the most part, in the Forties, Fifties and Sixties; there was no talk of alien abductions, or ... any of the extremely intimate Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind that have dominated the UFO mythology in recent years. Greer says he has conducted interviews with 400 people with intimate knowledge of the cover-up of the alien phenomenon. Many are afraid to come forward.
Note: The best UFO documentary available with great UFO video footage is the astounding Sci-Fi Channel UFO documentary Out of the Blue, available for free viewing on this webpage. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on UFOs from reliable major media sources.
Thanks to The Black Vault, an online archive of declassified government documents, you can now dig through a massive trove of information the CIA has collected on UFOs over the years. The Black Vault's John Greenewald Jr. posted the contents of a CD full of 2,780 pages of documents last week, the result of Greenewald's many Freedom of Information Act requests. The CIA has occasionally declassified UFO-related documents over the years and even made a reading collection available online covering information from the 1940s through the early 1990s. Last year, the US Navy declassified documents and video connected to a 2004 UFO encounter. It seems public interest in UFOs hasn't waned. Greenewald tweeted on Wednesday that over 622,000 people generated more than 30.7 million hits on his servers and downloaded nearly 26 terabytes of data over the course of just 24 hours. This could be a fun year for UFO enthusiasts. The COVID-19 relief bill signed by President Trump in late December 2020 included a requirement for the director of national intelligence to submit a report on "unidentified aerial phenomena" within 180 days to the congressional intelligence and armed services committees. The request is for an unclassified report, but it may include a classified supplement. The search for definitive answers isn't over. "Although the CIA claims this is their 'entire' collection, there may be no way to entirely verify that," Greenewald wrote. "Research by The Black Vault will continue."
Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on UFOs from reliable major media sources.
When President Donald Trump signed the $2.3 trillion coronavirus relief and government funding bill into law in December, so began the 180-day countdown for US intelligence agencies to tell Congress what they know about UFOs. The director of National Intelligence and the secretary of defense have a little less than six months now to provide the congressional intelligence and armed services committees with an unclassified report about "unidentified aerial phenomena." It's a stipulation that was tucked into the "committee comment" section of the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, which was contained in the massive spending bill. That report must contain detailed analyses of UFO data and intelligence collected by the Office of Naval Intelligence, the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force and the FBI, according to the Senate intelligence committee's directive. It should also describe in detail "an interagency process for ensuring timely data collection and centralized analysis of all unidentified aerial phenomena reporting for the Federal Government" and designate an official responsible for that process. Finally, the report should identify any potential national security threats posed by UFOs and assess whether any of the nation's adversaries could be behind such activity, the committee said. The submitted report should be unclassified, the committee said, though it can contain a classified annex.
Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on UFOs from reliable major media sources.
A former Israeli space security chief has sent eyebrows shooting heavenward by saying that earthlings have been in contact with extraterrestrials from a "galactic federation." "The Unidentified Flying Objects have asked not to publish that they are here, humanity is not ready yet," Haim Eshed, former head of Israel's Defense Ministry's space directorate, told Israel's Yediot Aharonot newspaper. The interview in Hebrew ran on Friday, and gained traction after parts were published in English by the Jerusalem Post on Tuesday. A respected professor and retired general, Eshed said the aliens were equally curious about humanity and were seeking to understand "the fabric of the universe." Eshed said cooperation agreements had been signed between species, including an "underground base in the depths of Mars" where there are American astronauts and alien representatives. "There is an agreement between the U.S. government and the aliens. They signed a contract with us to do experiments here," he said. Eshed added that President Donald Trump was aware of the extraterrestrials' existence and had been "on the verge of revealing" information but was asked not to in order to prevent "mass hysteria." "They have been waiting until today for humanity to develop and reach a stage where we will understand, in general, what space and spaceships are," Eshed said, referring to the galactic federation.
Note: Haim Eshed headed Israel's space security programs for 30 years. Learn more in the Times of Israel. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on UFOs from reliable major media sources.
The Pentagon is forming a new task force to investigate UFOs that have been observed by US military aircraft, according to two defense officials. Deputy Secretary of Defense David Norquist will help oversee the task force. Members of Congress and Pentagon officials have long expressed concerns about the appearance of the unidentified aircraft that have flown over US military bases. There is no consensus on their origin with some believing they may be drones potentially operated by earthly adversaries seeking to gather intelligence rather than extraterrestrials. The Senate Intelligence Committee voted in June to have the Pentagon and intelligence community provide a public analysis of the encounters, following the official Pentagon release of three short videos showing US aircraft encountering these phenomena. "We have things flying over our military bases and places where we are conducting military exercises, and we don't know what it is and it isn't ours, so that's a legitimate question to ask," the chairman of that committee, Sen. Marco Rubio, [said]. The videos released by the Pentagon appear to show unidentified flying objects rapidly moving while recorded by infrared cameras. The Pentagon had previously studied recordings of aerial encounters with unknown objects as part of a since-shuttered classified program that was launched at the behest of former Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada. That program was launched in 2007 and ended in 2012, according to the Pentagon.
Note: This is clearly part of a planned roll out to acculturate the public to the reality of UFOs. For undeniable evidence top Pentagon officials have known about the ET presence since the 1940s, see our revealing two page summary on UFOs. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on UFOs from reliable major media sources.
A Pentagon UFO unit will make some investigations public as ex-advisors suggest that “vehicles not made on this earth” were placed in US government storage. The team will update the US Senate’s Intelligence Committee on its unidentified flying object (UFO) research every six months, The New York Times reported. Publicly named in 2019 as the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force, the Pentagon unit succeeded an investigative UFO program that was said to have been disbanded prior to 2017. One former official, Eric Davis, [said] that he briefed the US Department of Defense in March about the retrieval of “off-world vehicles not made on this earth”. The Pentagon consultant and subcontractor said objects he believed “we couldn’t make ... ourselves” were discovered during his time on the unit, where he has worked since 2007. Whilst no crash artifacts have ever been documented in public, Harry Reid – the former Democratic Senate majority leader – told The Times that he “came to the conclusion” that UFO materials were in the government’s possession. “After looking into this, I came to the conclusion that there were reports — some were substantive, some not so substantive — that there were actual materials that the government and the private sector had in their possession,” said the former senator for Nevada. acting intelligence committee chairman Marco Rubio said last week that his priority was to uncover who was behind unidentified flying vehicles seen over American military bases.
Note: Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon, declared publicly long ago that there have been crashed ET craft and material has been recovered. Many military officers have made similar claims. The government appears to be doing a slow roll-out on UFOs and ETs. For undeniable evidence from generals and government officials testifying to their personal knowledge of and involvement in a major UFO cover-up for decades, see this concise summary. For more along these lines, see our deeply revealing UFO Information Center.
President Donald Trump says he’s heard some interesting things about Roswell, but he’s not sharing even with his eldest child. Trump made the comments Thursday in a Father’s Day-themed interview with his son. Don Jr. wound down his interview by jokingly asking his Dad/President if he would ever divulge more information about Roswell, the New Mexico city known for its proximity to arguably most famous UFO event — “and let us know what’s really going on.” Trump responded, “I won’t talk to you about what I know about it, but it’s very interesting.” In 1947, a rancher discovered unidentifiable debris in his sheep pasture outside Roswell. Air Force officials said it was a crashed weather balloon, but skeptics questioned whether it was in fact an extraterrestrial flying saucer. Decades later the U.S. military acknowledged the debris was related to a top-secret atomic project. Still, the UFO theory has flourished. After his father offered that he heard some “interesting” things about Roswell, Trump Jr. asked [if] the president might declassify that information someday. “Well, I’ll have to think about that one,” the president responded.
Note: Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon, stated publicly that UFOs did crash in Roswell, the town where he grew up, and it was all covered up. Dozens of high level military and government officials have gone public about their experience of a huge cover-up around UFOs. Read an excellent analysis of what's going on now with the UFO situation and the new Space Force. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on a major UFO cover-up from reliable major media sources.
Important Note: Explore our full index to revealing excerpts of key major media news stories on several dozen engaging topics. And don't miss amazing excerpts from 20 of the most revealing news articles ever published.