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UFO Media Articles
Excerpts of Key UFO Media Articles in Major Media

Below are key excerpts of revealing news articles on UFO/UAP phenomena from reliable news media sources. If any link fails to function, a paywall blocks full access, or the article is no longer available, try these digital tools.

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Note: Explore our full index to key excerpts of revealing major media news articles on several dozen engaging topics. And don't miss amazing excerpts from 20 of the most revealing news articles ever published.

Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program
2017-12-16, New York Times

In the $600 billion annual Defense Department budgets, the $22 million spent on the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program was almost impossible to find. Which was how the Pentagon wanted it. For years, the program investigated reports of unidentified flying objects. It was run by a military intelligence official, Luis Elizondo, on the fifth floor of the Pentagon’s C Ring. The Defense Department has never before acknowledged the existence of the program, which it says it shut down in 2012. But its backers say that, while the Pentagon ended funding for the effort at that time, the program remains in existence. The shadowy program ... was largely funded at the request of Harry Reid, the Nevada Democrat who ... has long had an interest in space phenomena. Most of the money went to an aerospace research company run by a billionaire entrepreneur ... Robert Bigelow. The program produced documents that describe sightings of aircraft that seemed to move at very high velocities with no visible signs of propulsion, or that hovered with no apparent means of lift. Officials with the program have also studied videos of encounters between unknown objects and American military aircraft. Two other former senators and top members of a defense spending subcommittee - Ted Stevens, an Alaska Republican, and Daniel K. Inouye, a Hawaii Democrat - also supported the program. None of the three senators wanted a public debate ... about the funding for the program, Mr. Reid said. “This was so-called black money,” he said.

Note: Watch a CNN interview with the Navy Pilot who spotted something he is convinced was not of this world. This appears to be part of a planned roll out so that the public becomes more comfortable with the existence of UFOs. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing UFO news articles from reliable major media sources. Then explore the excellent, reliable resources provided in our UFO Information Center.

Pentagon confirms secret program on UFO sightings since 2007; official wants data released
2017-12-16, Chicago Tribune

Just before leaving his Defense Department job two months ago, intelligence officer Luis Elizondo quietly arranged to secure the release of three of the most unusual videos in the Pentagon's secret vaults: raw footage from encounters between fighter jets and "anomalous aerial vehicles" - military jargon for UFOs. In interviews, he said his ultimate intention was to shed light on a little-known program Elizondo himself ran for seven years: a low-key Defense Department operation to collect and analyze reported UFO sightings. The existence of the program, known as the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program, was confirmed officially for the first time Saturday by a Pentagon spokesman. Spending for the program totaled at least $22 million. The funding officially ended in 2012. But officials familiar with the initiative say the collection effort continued as recently as last month. The program operated jointly out of the Pentagon and, at least for a time, an underground complex in Las Vegas managed by Bigelow Aerospace, a defense contractor that builds modules for space stations. It generated at least one report, a 490-page volume that describes alleged UFO sightings in the United States and numerous foreign countries over multiple decades. The first public revelations of the program came in a video conference aired in October by To the Stars Academy for Arts and Sciences, the firm Elizondo joined as a consultant after retiring from his Pentagon job.

Note: Elizondo is one of a several former government officials now employed by To the Stars Academy for Arts and Sciences, which claims it will "advance research into unexplained phenomena and develop related technology." Watch an excellent 8-minute video showing that something is fishy about this company. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing UFO news articles from reliable major media sources. Then explore the excellent, reliable resources provided in our UFO Information Center.

Why incoming asteroids shouldn't keep you up at night
2017-12-11, Christian Science Monitor

Every once in awhile, as we Earthlings strive to explore the cosmos, we’re reminded that bits of the cosmos occasionally visit Earth, too. One such reminder came in the form of a blazing green fireball streaking across the predawn New Jersey sky earlier this month. Police dashcam footage ... shows a meteor plunging into the Earth's atmosphere and exploding in a brilliant flash. On Nov. 9 ... an asteroid designated 2017 VL2 came within 75,000 miles of Earth. Despite news reports that the asteroid ... carried enough energy to obliterate New York City, the asteroid – the 48th known one to pass within the moon's orbit this year so far – would have actually burned up in the atmosphere, causing little, if any, damage. “The most important message to get across is that asteroid impacts are extremely unlikely,” Paul Chodas, manager for the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. In 1998, Congress mandated that NASA find 90 percent of asteroids more than 1 kilometer wide. NASA met this goal in 2011, but in the meantime, Congress expanded its mission to include include 90 percent of asteroids 450 feet or larger. Scientists say they have detected about a third of these so far. The bigger the asteroid, the lower the chance of impact: The odds of an asteroid 1 kilometer wide hitting Earth in any given year are 1 in about 500,000, and even an object 450 feet wide has just a 1-in-30,000 chance of impact.

Note: Explore a treasure trove of concise summaries of incredibly inspiring news articles which will inspire you to make a difference.

Fmr. Manager of DOD Aerospace Threat Program: “UFOs are Real”
2017-10-11, Huffington Post

Something extraordinary was revealed today. Former high-level officials and scientists with deep black experience who have always remained in the shadows came forward on one platform. These insiders have long-standing connections to government agencies which may have programs investigating unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP/UFOs). The team includes a 25-year veteran of the CIA’s Directorate of Operations, a Lockheed Martin Program Director for Advanced Systems at “Skunk Works”, and a former deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence. Today marked the official launch of To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science (TTS/AAS) an innovative Public Benefit Corporation which will advance research into unexplained phenomena and develop related technology. Luis Eiizondo [is] the former Director of Programs to investigate Unidentified Aerial Threats for the Office of the Secretary of Defense. As a result of his position managing the DOD program for almost a decade, Lue said “I learned that the phenomena is indeed real.” Lue does not speak for the DOD, since he is no longer employed there; he speaks independently as part of the TTS Academy. Lue also stated: “We are also planning to provide never before released footage from real US Government systems...not blurry, amateur photos, but real data and real videos.” And even more significant: “We are inviting our Government colleagues and friends in Defense to participate regularly with their own findings.”

Note: Watch an intriguing 40-minute video of this group of very high level military intelligence talking openly about UFOs (transcript here). This is clearly a carefully planned and staged event. The question is to what end? Watch an excellent eight-minute video showing something is seriously fishy about Tom DeLonge and his company. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing UFO news articles from reliable major media sources. Then explore the excellent, reliable resources provided in our UFO Information Center.

I-Team: Public company launched to investigate UFOs
2017-10-11, CBS Las Vegas Affiliate

A team of former spies and spooks came out of the shadows Wednesday to talk about UFOs. The men formerly worked in national security positions within the Pentagon or intelligence agencies, which is where they were first exposed to classified information about UFO encounters. Now, they've signed on with rock star Tom DeLonge in his quest to build a public company that could study and harness exotic technology. The fact that these high-level government operatives would appear on the same stage with a rock star turned UFO hunter ... shows that serious people think it's time for secrecy to end and public involvement to begin. Part of what was learned in Wednesday's announcement involves a stunning UFO encounter with one of the most powerful warships in the world. On a sunny day in 2004 off the coast of San Diego, the USS Nimitz battle group encountered a technology beyond anything known on earth. It was a mystery aircraft shaped like a 46-foot long Tic Tac that hovered and maneuvered for hours and defied the F-18's sent to intercept. "In a series of discreet tumbling maneuvers that appear to defy the laws of physics, the object takes a position directly behind the approaching F-18. The pilots capture gun camera footage and infrared imagery of the object but are outmatched by a technology they have never seen," said Chris Mellon, former Defense Department intelligence official. An investigation by the navy was hushed up. The only public mention was in a little known aviation magazine read by pilots.

Note: Watch an intriguing 40-minute video of this group of very high level military intelligence talking openly about UFOs (transcript here). This is clearly a carefully planned and staged event. The question is to what end? Watch an excellent eight-minute video showing something is seriously fishy about Tom DeLonge and his company. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing UFO news articles from reliable major media sources. Then explore the excellent, reliable resources provided in our UFO Information Center.

Inside Knowledge About Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Could Lead To World-Changing Technology
2017-10-10, Huffington Post

Former high-level officials and scientists with deep black experience ... are now stepping into the light. These insiders ... intend to move into the private sector and to make all declassified information, and any future knowledge, available for all to see. It all started with award-winning platinum recording artist ... Tom DeLonge. Tom spent many years studying UFOs, and essentially left his previous lucrative career to ... set up an entertainment company called To The Stars (TTS). It had the goal of disseminating information about UFOs, consciousness, the paranormal and other unexplained mysteries. He has assembled a new team of collaborators and created The To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science (TTS/AAS). According to a TTS/AAS statement, its team members who have been operating under the shadows of top-secrecy for decades believe that there is sufficient credible evidence of [UFOs] that proves exotic technologies exist that could revolutionize the human experience. The Science division will conduct the research, which will also include consciousness, engineering space-time, brain-computer interface, genomics, and creating a database of supranormal experiences. Aerospace will apply the science to create next-generation energy and propulsion concepts for transportation and spaceflight that could forever change movement across land, water, air, and Entertainment will offer informative storytelling that provides insight into the journey.

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing UFO news articles from reliable major media sources. Then explore the excellent, reliable resources provided in our UFO Information Center.

Are Aliens Real? NASA Astronauts Share Their Experiences With Extraterrestrials
2017-07-29, International Business Times

Several NASA astronauts believe extraterrestrials exist and have been in touch with humanity for a long period. Data cruncher and blogger Sam Monfort ... on Feb. 21 said the number of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) sightings is currently at an all-time high. According to Monfort's report, there have been 104,947 reported sightings on record over the past 100-plus years. He used information from the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC), which ... keeps careful logs of all UFO sightings worldwide. Astronauts such as Edgar Mitchell, Cady Coleman, Edwin Buzz Aldrin and Dr Brian OLeary ... have claimed to have seen UFOs. In 1971, [Edgar] Mitchell became the sixth person to walk on the Moon, and the journey spiritually transformed his life. He was convinced after the journey to the Moon that "aliens have been observing us and have been here for some time." Mitchell once even claimed that "peace-loving" aliens had visited Earth to save humanity from nuclear war, and ... told Mirror Online that top-ranking military sources had spotted UFOs during weapons tests. He also said that strange crafts flying over missile bases at the White Sands facility have been spotted by military insiders. The facility is a government-owned rocket engine test site where the world's first ever nuclear bomb was detonated in 1945.

Note: Read and watch riveting testimony by numerous astronauts, generals, and other top officials with personal experience in a major UFO cover-up. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing UFO cover-up and disclosure news articles from reliable major media sources. Then explore the excellent, reliable resources provided in our UFO Information Center.

Ancient humans had sex with non humans
2017-07-25, New Zealand Herald

New research shows that ancient humans had sex with non human species. According to a study conducted by Omer Gokcumen, an assistant professor of biological sciences at the University of Buffalo, ancient humans had intercourse with a "ghost species" of "proto human". Gokcumen explains that humans are only one member of a broader species named "hominins". The research found that humans had sex with other members of the hominins group. Gokcumen found "wildly different" genes in DNA of humans living in Sub-Saharan Africa. He believes these genes can be traced back to about 150,000 years ago when ancient humans were breeding with this mysterious "ghost species". This other species is referred to by the scientific community as a "ghost species" as there are no known fossils that can be analysed. "It seems that interbreeding between different early hominin species is not the exception - it's the norm," Gokcumen said. "Based on our analysis, the most plausible explanation for this extreme variation is archaic introgression - the introduction of genetic material from a 'ghost' species of ancient hominins."

Note: What was this "ghost species"? Could there have been intervention from species outside of planet Earth? Read an essay by founder Fred Burks for intriguing ideas along these lines.

As space junk soars, science turns to nature for ideas
2017-07-03, Christian Science Monitor

It was satellites that launched the space age, and it’s satellites that could bring it all crashing down. If not for the nearly three dozen atomic clocks providing reliably precise timestamps to anyone with an antenna, financial markets and cell service would quickly fall apart. It doesn’t take much to reduce these finely tuned machines to ... wrecks. With life expectancies rarely exceeding a decade, [satellites] are surprisingly disposable. And as new arrivals and old relics crowd the useful, near-Earth orbits, governments and researchers seek ways to restore space’s once infinite promise. “Everybody recognizes that this is a problem, and that the problem is getting worse,” says Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) robotics researcher Aaron Parness. Now, a collaboration between Dr. Parness’s JPL group and a team of Stanford engineers suggests this man-made problem might have a nature-inspired solution: gecko-like pads sticky enough to grab objects in the harsh vacuum of space. The Department of Defense catalogs tens of thousands of artificial objects around Earth, but fragments too small to track likely number in the millions. Any one of these hyper-speed projectiles could cause impact damage. The tipping point at which satellite shards destroy other satellites faster than the atmosphere can swallow them up has already passed. Retrieving such shards is nearly impossible, leaving only one practical solution. “Get rid of the big stuff. Get rid of the source,” [NASA astrophysicist Donald] Kessler urges.

Note: The article above includes detailed charts of the accumulation of space debris surrounding the planet. In 2016, CNN reported that NASA had set up a "Planetary Defense Coordination Office" to defend the Earth from space rubble.

Aerospace Executive ‘Absolutely Convinced’ There Are Aliens On Earth
2017-05-30, Huffington Post

In an eye-opening interview on “60 Minutes” Sunday night, aerospace mogul and entrepreneur Robert Bigelow said he was ‘absolutely convinced’ there were alien visitors to Earth. Most of the segment focused on how NASA and the Las Vegas-based Bigelow Aerospace are in a partnership to develop an expandable craft for humans to use in space. However, during the “60 Minutes” interview with correspondent Lara Logan, the conversation shifted to Bigelow’s reported obsession with UFOs and aliens. Logan: “Do you believe in aliens?” Bigelow: “I’m absolutely convinced. That’s all there is to it.” Logan: “Do you also believe that UFOs have come to Earth?” Bigelow: “There has been and is an existing presence, an ET presence. And I spent millions and millions and millions ― I probably spent more as an individual than anybody else in the United States has ever spent on this subject.” Bigelow wouldn’t elaborate on what kind of results he had achieved from his well-funded UFO research. When asked if he thought future space missions would result in any encounters between humans and aliens, Bigelow said, “You don’t have to go anywhere. It’s just like right under people’s noses.” While Bigelow declined to describe his personal UFO encounters, he offered more elaborate details about UFOs, extraterrestrials and the private space industry during an interview on the national radio program, “Coast to Coast AM.”

Note: See the CBS 60 Minutes piece about this on this webpage. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing UFO news articles from reliable major media sources. Then explore the excellent, reliable resources provided in our UFO Information Center.

Bigelow Aerospace founder says commercial world will lead in space
2017-05-28, CBS News

There's a new space race and it's not between the U.S. and Russia. It's between private companies and it's attracted multimillionaires and billionaires, like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos. A less likely player is Las Vegas real-estate tycoon, Robert Bigelow, who, at 73, is making the biggest gamble of his life -- not on rockets -- but on expandable spacecraft, large, lightweight structures that inflate in space, a technology that could dramatically change how humans live and work in zero gravity. NASA has partnered with Robert Bigelow, who's an unconventional figure in the aerospace world. Bigelow [told us that] his grandparents had a close encounter with a UFO. Bigelow: It really sped up and came right into their face and filled up the entire windshield of the car. And it took off at a right angle and shot off into the distance. Lara Logan: Do you believe in aliens? Bigelow: I'm absolutely convinced. Logan: Do you also believe that UFOs have come to Earth? Bigelow: There has been and is an existing presence, an ET presence. And I spent millions and millions and millions ... on this subject. Logan: Is it risky for you to say in public that you believe in UFOs and aliens? Bigelow: I don't give a damn. Logan: Do you imagine that in our space travels we will encounter other forms of intelligent life? Bigelow: You don't have to go anywhere. Logan: You can find it here? Bigelow: It's just like right under people's noses. The FAA confirmed to us that for years, it referred reports of UFOs and other unexplained phenomena to a company Bigelow owns. [Bigelow] told us he's had his own close encounters, but declined to go into detail.

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing UFO news articles from reliable major media sources. Then explore the excellent, reliable resources provided in our UFO Information Center.

People Are Seeing U.F.O.s Everywhere, and This Book Proves It
2017-04-24, New York Times

Why have sightings of unidentified flying objects around the nation more than tripled since 2001? Why did they spike in Texas in 2008, or in New Mexico in September 2015? These questions and many others emerge from the first comprehensive statistical summary of so-called close encounters: 121,036 eyewitness accounts, organized county by county in each state and the District of Columbia, from 2001 to 2015. The unlikely compendium, “U.F.O. Sightings Desk Reference,” is the work of a couple in Syracuse, who crunched unruly data on U.F.O. reports collected by two volunteer organizations: the Mutual U.F.O. Network, or Mufon, and the National U.F.O. Reporting Center, or Nuforc. It is the reference “U.F.O. researchers dreamed of having,” Gordon G. Spear, emeritus professor of physics and astronomy at Sonoma State University ... writes in the foreword. Rebutting a common perception that U.F.O. sightings are on the wane, the Costas’ book shows that sightings have risen in waves, to 11,868 nationwide in 2015 from 3,479 in 2001. Only a small fraction of sightings are actually reported to Mufon or Nuforc. The Costas refrain from speculating on what exactly is happening. For the U.F.O. enthusiast, the pages of graphs and charts are a treasure trove of hard-to-find detail. The arduous breakdown by the nation’s more than 3,000 counties was notable for revealing clusters of sightings in ... places where U.F.O.s are almost never mentioned. But every county in the United States appears to have seen at least one U.F.O.

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing UFO news articles from reliable major media sources. Then explore the excellent, reliable resources provided in our UFO Information Center.

Former President Bush Won’t Tell Jimmy Kimmel ‘Nuthin’ About UFOs
2017-03-06, Huffington Post

When former President George W. Bush appeared on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” on Thursday, to promote his book, “Portraits of Courage,” Kimmel didn’t waste any time trying to get Bush to admit that he may have looked for and seen alleged secret government files on UFOs. Kimmel began ... by asking Bush “a question that’s very important to me and very important to the country. When you were in office, did you go through the secret files ― the UFO documents, because if I was president, that would be the first thing I did.” Even before Kimmel finished asking the question, Bush immediately replied, “Maybe.” Then, he told Kimmel, “You know, it’s funny. My daughters asked the very same question.” When Kimmel asked if Bush would be allowed to tell his daughters what was in those files, the former commander-in-chief said “No.” This was hardly the first time that Kimmel has gone digging for UFO-alien revelations. In 2014, President Bill Clinton told Kimmel that ... he tried unsuccessfully to investigate what the government was hiding regarding UFOs. When Kimmel asked if he would have told the public had he found evidence of real aliens, Clinton smiled and said “Yeah.” Then, in 2015, during a visit to Kimmel’s talk show, President Barack Obama ― in tongue-in-cheek fashion ― said “the aliens won’t let [disclosure] happen. You’d reveal all their secrets, and they exercise strict control over us. I can’t reveal anything.” In the latest interview ... the former president never actually suggested there were no UFO files to be unearthed.

Note: Don't miss this intriguing video interview at the link above. Then explore an amazing slide show of the many top politicians who either had a UFO sighting or wanted access to the secret file. According to this compilation, JFK requested UFO files on Nov. 12, 1963, just 10 days before he was assassinated. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing UFO news articles from reliable major media sources.

CIA releases 13m pages of declassified documents online
2017-01-18, BBC News

About 13 million pages of declassified documents from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have been released online. Among the more unusual records are documents from the Stargate Project, which dealt with psychic powers and extrasensory perception. Those include records of testing on celebrity psychic Uri Geller in 1973. Memos detail how Mr Geller was able to partly replicate pictures drawn in another room with varying - but sometimes precise - accuracy, leading the researchers to write that he "demonstrated his paranormal perceptual ability in a convincing and unambiguous manner". Other unusual records include a collection of reports on flying saucers. While much of the information has been technically publicly available since the mid-1990s, it has been very difficult to access. The records were only available on four physical computers ... at the National Archives in Maryland. A non-profit freedom of information group, MuckRock, sued the CIA to force it to upload the collection. At the same time, journalist Mike Best crowd-funded more than $15,000 to visit the archives to print out and then publicly upload the records, one by one. "By printing out and scanning the documents at CIA expense, I was able to begin making them freely available to the public and to give the agency a financial incentive to simply put the database online," Best wrote.

Note: The entire declassified archive of the Stargate Project is now available on the CIA Library website. Explore a treasure trove of excellent resources on remote viewing. For decades, officials denied the existence of remote viewing programs and UFO investigations. What other intelligence agency lies will be exposed as more information like this comes to light?

Groundbreaking UFO Video Just Released By Chilean Navy
2017-01-05, Huffington Post

An exceptional nine-minute Navy video of a UFO displaying highly unusual behavior, studied by Chilean authorities for the last two years, is now being released to the public. The CEFAA - the Chilean government agency which investigates UFOs, or UAP (unidentified aerial phenomena), has been in charge of the investigation. General Ricardo Bermúdez, Director of CEFAA during the investigation, [stated] “We do not know what it was, but we do know what it was not.” And “what it is not” comprises a long list of conventional explanations. On November 11, 2014, a Chilean Navy helicopter ... was on a routine daytime patrol mission. On board were the pilot ... and a Navy technician. While filming the terrain, the technician observed a strange object flying to the left over the ocean. Soon both men observed it with the naked eye. The technician aimed the camera at the object immediately. Shortly thereafter, the pilot contacted two radar stations. Neither station could detect it on radar, although both easily picked up the helicopter. Air traffic controllers confirmed that no traffic ... had been reported in the area. No aircraft had been authorized to fly in the controlled air space where the object was located. This case represents one of the most puzzling and fascinating of all cases in the CEFAA files, according to [CEFAA international affairs director] Jose Lay. “It is our first video taken with a sophisticated camera in the infra red; the first time we have ever seen the ejection of a substance from a UAP; the first time we have a sighting lasting over nine minutes with two highly reliable witnesses,” he said.

Note: Watch an intriguing video of this unusual phenomenon and see the article at the link above for clips of the best footage. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing UFO news articles from reliable major media sources. Then explore the excellent, reliable resources provided in our UFO Information Center.

Strange messages coming from the stars are ‘probably’ from aliens, scientists say
2016-10-25, The Independent (One of the UK's leading newspapers)

Scientists have heard hugely unusual messages from deep in space that they think are coming from aliens. A new analysis of strange modulations in a tiny set of stars appears to indicate that it could be coming from extraterrestrial intelligence that is looking to alert us to their existence. The new study reports the finding of specific modulations in just 234 out of the 2.5 million stars that have been observed during a survey of the sky. The work found that a tiny fraction of them seemed to be behaving strangely. “We find that the detected signals have exactly the shape of an [extraterrestrial intelligence] signal predicted in the previous publication and are therefore in agreement with this hypothesis,” write EF Borra and E Trottier in a new paper. “The fact that they are only found in a very small fraction of stars within a narrow spectral range centered near the spectral type of the sun is also in agreement with the ETI hypothesis,” the two scientists from Laval University in Quebec write. The research has appeared in the journal Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, [and] appears to have been originally suggested for publication with the name 'Signals probably from Extraterrestrial Intelligence', according to a pre-print version of the paper. But they make clear that further work will need to be done to confirm or deny that hypothesis. Breakthrough Listen – an initiative set up this year to look for alien life and supported by people including Stephen Hawking and Mark Zuckerberg – said that the message was promising.

Note: Read more on this fascinating topic in this news article. The detection of a possible ET signal by a Russian radio telescope was also recently reported in The Guardian. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing UFO news articles from reliable major media sources. Then explore the excellent, reliable resources provided in our UFO Information Center.

Alien life, or noise? Russian telescope detects 'strong signal' from sun-like star
2016-08-29, The Guardian (One of the UK's leading newspapers)

A Russian radio telescope scanning the skies has observed “a strong signal” from a nearby star, HD164595, in the constellation Hercules. The star is a scant 95 light years away and 99% of the size of Earth’s own sun. It has at least one planet, HD164595b, which is about the size of Neptune and has a 40-day year. Seth Shostak of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute (Seti) ... was shocked to have learned of the discovery only now – the readings from Russian radio telescope Ratan-600, Shostak said, were taken a year ago. The news came to international attention on Saturday through Claudio Maccone of the University of Turin in Italy, who attended a talk by the scientists who recorded the signal on 15 May 2015. Maccone sent the Guardian his proposed presentation for the International Academy of Astronautics 2016 meeting on the subject of the search for alien life, set for 27 September. He will call for the permanent monitoring of HD164595. “Could it be an ET?” asked Shostak rhetorically. “Of course, but ... it is hard to tell if the signal comes from intelligent life. If it is being broadcast across a large chunk of the radio spectrum, the noise is probably coming from a quasar or another source of stellar “noise”; if it is over a narrower band but very strong, it is likelier to be the product of intelligence.

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing UFO news articles from reliable major media sources. Then explore the excellent, reliable resources provided in our UFO Information Center.

Why are people starting to believe in UFOs again?
2016-07-05, Associated Press

The 1990s were a high-water mark for public interest in UFOs and alien abduction. MIT even hosted an academic conference on the abduction phenomenon. But in the first decade of the 21st century, interest in UFOs began to wane. Fewer sightings were reported. Research groups ... disbanded. But now The X-Files is back, and Hillary Clinton has even pledged to disclose what the government knows about aliens if elected president. Meanwhile ... 45 percent of Americans believe extraterrestrials have visited the Earth. Why do reports of UFOs and alien abductions go in and out of fashion? To some extent, this is political. Powerful people and institutions ... influence the level of stigma surrounding these topics. In 2010, sociologists ... found that 69 percent of Americans reported belief in at least one paranormal subject (astrology, ghosts, UFOs, etc.). But [these] findings also suggested that the more status and social connections someone has, the less likely he or she is to report paranormal belief. It may be that people with something to lose have reason not to believe in the paranormal (or at least not to talk about it). So if Hillary Clinton is running for president, why is she talking about UFOs? Part of the answer may be that the Clintons have ties to a network of influential people who have lobbied the government to disclose the truth about UFOs. This includes the late millionaire Laurence Rockefeller ... and John Podesta, the chairman of Clintons campaign.

Note: Emails of Hillary Clinton's campaign manager John Podesta leaked by Wikileaks show that Podesta had correspondence with astronaut Edgar Mitchell on the reality of UFOs as well as direct contact with Harvard UFO specialist John Mack and others on UFOs and ETs. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing UFO news articles from reliable major media sources. Then explore the excellent, reliable resources provided in our UFO Information Center.

Tom DeLonge Details UFO Dedication
2016-06-21, CBS (San Francisco affiliate)

Tom DeLonge is diving deep into a lifelong passion. The former Blink-182 guitarist and singer plans to focus his time and energy studying aliens, UFOs and conspiracy theories. He’s spearheading a transmedia series called Sekret Machines that will seek to investigate “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” through a range of fiction and non-fiction books, a documentary and music from his new band Angels & Airwaves. He already released the first fiction book Sekret Machines Book 1: Chasing Shadows in April. What he began learning about extraterrestrial life unearthed more and more that he needed to study in order to fully grasp the subject matter. “It’s something I’ve always wanted to do,” he explained. “When you dive into this type of material, it’s a lot more than just science and technology. It has to do with religion and cosmology and it has to do with politics and secrecy. So it’s a pretty fantastic ride when you start studying this stuff. You’ll find yourself trying to challenge your belief system. This project was a good way to bring it to the world in a more elevated way.” Unfortunately, Blink 182 doesn’t fit into those plans. “It’s about what I’m doing with my life now,” he said. “When you’re ... gifted with the opportunity to communicate something you’ve been passionate about your whole life - something that has the opportunity to change the world over time - being a small part of that is enormously important for my life path.” He added, “But I can’t do everything. I can’t tour nine months out of the year with enough time to do the enormity of what I’m setting out to do. “

Note: Watch a CBS interview with Delonge in which he reveals that he is coordinating with high-level officials to bring the this hidden information to light. The truth is coming out! For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing UFO cover-up and disclosure news articles from reliable major media sources. Then explore the excellent, reliable resources provided in our UFO Information Center.

With vows to open files, Clinton pulls in UFO vote
2016-05-11, Boston Globe

When Jimmy Kimmel asked Hillary Clinton in a late-night TV interview about UFOs, she quickly corrected his terminology. “You know, there’s a new name,” Clinton said. “It’s unexplained aerial phenomenon,” she said. “UAP. That’s the latest nomenclature.” Her unusual knowledge about extraterrestrials ... has struck a small but committed cohort of voters. Clinton has vowed that barring any threats to national security, she would open up government files on the subject, a shift from President Barack Obama, who typically dismisses the topic as a joke. Her position has elated UFO enthusiasts, who have declared Clinton the first “E.T. candidate.” Stephen Bassett, who lobbies the government on extraterrestrial issues, views a Clinton presidency as a chance to finally get the United States to disclose all it knows about life beyond Earth. Bassett’s organization has sent roughly 2.5 million Twitter messages to presidential candidates, elected officials and the media urging a serious discussion of the issue. The movement viewed Clinton’s decision to correct Kimmel’s use of the term UFO ... as a breakthrough because it “suggested she’d been briefed by someone,” Buchman said. In fact, Clinton had been briefed. Her campaign chairman, John D. Podesta ... is not only a well-respected Washington hand, having served as a top adviser to Obama and President Bill Clinton, but is also a crusader for disclosure of government information on unexplained phenomena that could prove the existence of intelligent life outside Earth.

Note: Check out strong evidence in declassified FBI files that UFOs are quite real. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing UFO cover-up and disclosure news articles from reliable major media sources. Then explore the excellent, reliable resources provided in our UFO Information Center.

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